Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Been in Birney

Friday we made the twenty mile route from Lame Deer into Birney with hopes of meeting the Cheyenne friends in the area. With air mattresses for beds and plenty of canned tuna, we set out over the hills and through the valleys. This adventure allowed us a time outside the popup camper and provided much more living space with even a functioning bathroom.

Saturday morning we followed some friendly directions to get us into Sheridan, WY through the backroads, for some grocery shopping and fuel. The directions were not so accurate. A forty mile trip wound up being sixty-five. We did see some lovely hills and valleys and ranches which lasted for miles.

Once in Sheridan we sought the local Wal-Mart. My main goal was to buy a broom. I can’t stand dirty floors. We ended our journey with a buggy full of items. Then we ate a carry-out bag from Wendy’s, and purchased some fuel (47 cents cheaper per gallon than in Lame Deer).

Sunday morning began by clearing out the church area to make it ready for those who’d like to attend Bible study with us. A man came by earlier and said he’d like to come, so we were anxiously waiting for the study hour.

The time came and went. Randy and I had our morning Bible Study by 10:00 and closed up the building around 12:30. Because the day was so pretty, we walked down to the bridge to view the river. Passing the Apostolic church, we saw why we had no gathering. (The other church also feeds meals and was full). It was hard to compete with their once monthly service, even though we did set out a pot of coffee.

The time in Birney has provided us an opportunity to study a unit on spiritual warfare. Every so often, it does one good to reflect on your initial calling to service and to determine the interruptions that seek to undermine your efforts.

1 comment:

  1. May the Lord bless your efforst for HIM!


